There’s no question we’re living in a golden age of content, especially as it relates to the streaming platforms. Netfix’s content budget for 2018 was $13 billion, with 85% of those dollars earmarked for original content. Amazon isn’t far behind with what was estimated to be a $5 billion spend last year. Both companies have plans to triple those budgets by 2022. And they’re not the only ones. Hulu, Apple, Facebook and other upstarts have routinely been shouting from the rooftops that they plan to be big (and in the case of Hulu) bigger players when it comes to procuring, producing and streaming original content.
Naturally, screenwriters, filmmakers and digital content creators are excited. And they should be. But this massive buying frenzy doesn’t mean that the usual structure and hierarchy that rules traditional film and television markets should be ignored.
A former development executive from Netflix recently told me he listened to over 100 pitches a week. Think about that. That’s more than 20 per day.
Now you have to imagine that a vast majority of those pitches were delivered by known and established individuals. Those who had an “in” or were granted one based on status and/or reputation.

So how do you get to be part of the “in” crowd? How do you get your opportunity to pitch your project to Netflix, Amazon and the other streaming giants? In my latest AMA on Stage 32, I answered this question and added a little bonus information to boot. I hope you enjoy!
Click here to watch the video!
It has never been a more important time for screenwriters, filmmakers and ALL creatives to learn how to crowdSOURCE.
Now available as an audiobook for FREE!
Interested in perfecting your online brand? Confused about how to go about building an audience for you and your content? Check out my book CROWDSOURCING FOR FILMMAKERS: INDIE FILM AND THE POWER OF THE CROWD.
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The book currently has over 100 5-star reviews across Amazon and Audible and is available for FREE on audiobook here!
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Stay connected with me on Stage 32, Twitter and Instagram
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